We are a self-employed film making couple with own equipment, working and living with our two daughters in Mainz, Germany.
Justin ist seit seinem Mediendesign und anschließendem Journalismus-Studium selbständiger Kameramann mit eigenem Equipment, Filmproduzent, Autor und unterrichtet als Dozent für Dokumentarfilm an der Hochschule Mainz.
Lisa ist Autorin, Filmeditorin und Illustratorin und arbeitet seit ihrem Mediendesign-Studium in allen dramaturgischen Bereichen als Filmemacherin.
In the ten years that have passed since filming lonely pack, we have not been able to shake our need to know what became of the children we filmed. Many times over the years people have asked us how they could help the lonely pack, but we had no answer.
We decided to go back to the streets and look for Sonu and the members of the lonely pack. After a difficult search, we were deeply moved when we actually found Sonu alive and learned that he had a daughter. As the parents of two girls ourselves, we immediately felt a desire to help Sonu and Sona succeed in their attempt to choose a new path in life. This would also become the answer so many people had expected from us about how to help.
As filmmakers, our greatest motivation is to inspire audiences to experience empathy for stories that would otherwise make them close their eyes. If our film can do this, we see a chance for Sona and the other children in street line. All profits generated by this film are to be used directly for the education of the children featured in this documentary.